Devan Lee will begin college at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in the fall. Credit: Aaron Nesheim

Devan Lee participated in an internship through Hennepin Healthcare’s Talent Garden program this summer. He shared his experience with Sahan Journal:

Inspiration: An insatiable desire to help others.

Goal: To become a clinical psychologist.

A friend I used to work with at Jimmy John’s recommended me for this. He was trying to be an EMT [emergency medical technician] or a paramedic, and I told him that I was trying to become a therapist, and so he referred me to this.

Growing up, I was always a helping hand when other people needed help mentally. They would come to me for advice. Some people seem to forget that everybody has a personality and feelings and emotions that should not be disregarded.

I guess my favorite rotation was every rotation. I could also see being a paramedic or EMT. That rotation was really interesting. And so was radiation. Seeing the human body, the skeletal system from an X-ray, that’s crazy. And seeing a brain and how many blood arteries and vessels there are on a CT scan. And you can even see a 3-D image—that’s insane.

I feel like I’m blessed to be part of this internship program.

Sheila Mulrooney Eldred writes stories about health equity for Sahan Journal. As a freelance journalist, she has written for The New York Times, the Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, NPR, STAT News and...